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Group Health Insurance


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    Group Health Insurance

    A group health insurance policy offers coverage to a group of people. … Usually, a group health insurance cover is offered by the organizations, banks, business groups, housing societies and employers to their employees and the cost of the premium is borne by the organization itself.

    The primary advantage of a group plan is that it spreads risk across a pool of insured individuals. This benefits the group members by keeping premiums low, and insurers can better manage risk when they have a clearer idea of who they are covering.

    Group health insurance or GHI is a type of health insurance plan that provides coverage to a specific group of people such as employees of a company or members of an organization. Also Known as corporate health insurance policy.


    Groups can decide the covers to be attached for their policy according to their premium paying capacity. So these type of policies are also called Tailor made policies.

    The main advantage of these types of policies is that, the policy holders will get covers /benefits which he will not get in normal individual policies.


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