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Home Insurance


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    Home Insurance

    Why a HOME Insurance is needed by an individual

    According to the National Disaster Management Authority, around 40 million hectares of land in India is exposed to floods (around 12 per cent of the total land area) 68 per cent of land is vulnerable to droughts, landslides and avalanches 58.6 per cent landmass is earthquake-prone, and tsunamis and cyclones are a regular phenomenon for 5,700 km of the 7,516-km long coastal line.

    Floods are the most frequent disaster in India, accounting for 52 per cent of the total occurrences of calamities, followed by cyclones (30 per cent), landslides (10 per cent), earthquakes (5 per cent) and droughts (2 per cent)


    Typical Covers Offered in home insurance

    • Fire insurance to Building & content for owner and for contents alone for tenants
    • Burglary and Theft Cover for Contents
    • Jewellery All Risk Cover
    • Machinery Break down
    • Television/Other Electronic Equipment Cover
    • Personal Accident Policy

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