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Money Insurance


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    Money Insurance

    Money insurance is for all businesses – small or large and across all segments and industries Incidents like theft or burglary can impact your business cash flow. We will help you cover such risk successfully and put you back on business very soon. The term money includes cash, bank drafts, currency notes, treasury notes, postal orders, money orders and postal stamps.


    What does this policy cover?

    The policy covers the loss or damage caused when

    Money in Transit

    Loss of money in transit caused by robbery, theft, or any fortuitous event.

    Money in Safe or Strong room

    Loss of money from the insured's safe or strong room caused by theft or robbery.

    Money till Counter

    Loss of money lying in the till and or counter at the insured's premises during the business hour.

    Money at ATM Withdrawal

    Loss of money whilst such Money has been withdrawn from an automated Teller Machine is in transit to the insured premises

    Fidelity Guaranty

    Loss of money by any reason of any act of fraud/ dishonesty committed by any Employee of the Insured


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