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Employee Infidelity


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    Employee Infidelity Insurance

    This policy broadly covers pecuniary loss sustained as a result of act of fraud or dishonesty in respect of monies or goods of the employer committed by the employees in the course of performance of their duties.

    Employee infidelity insurance protects organizations from loss of money, securities, or inventory resulting from crime. Common claims allege employee dishonesty, embezzlement, forgery, robbery, safe burglary, computer fraud, wire transfer fraud, counterfeiting, and other criminal acts.

    These schemes involve every possible angle, taking advantage of any potential weakness in your company’s financial controls. From fictitious employees, dummy accounts payable, non-existent suppliers to outright theft of money, securities and property. Fraud and embezzlement in the workplace is on the rise, occurring in even the best work environments.


    Liabilities covered by crime insurance usually fall into two categories, although many polices combine both types of coverage: money and security coverage and employee dishonesty coverage (which) pays for losses caused by most dishonest acts of your employees, such as embezzlement and theft…”


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