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    Burglary Insurance

    A Burglary Insurance policy may be offered for a business enterprise or for a house. The policy covers property contained in the premises including stocks/goods owned or held in trust if specifically covered. It also covers cash, valuables, securities kept in a locked safe or cash box in locked steel cupboard if you specifically request for it. Apart from offering cover for the contents in the premises, a Burglary Insurance policy covers damage to your house or premises caused by burglars during burglary or attempts at burglary. The Policy pays actual loss/damage to your insured property caused by burglary/house breaking subject to the limit of Sum Insured. If Sum Insured is not adequate, Policy pays only proportionate loss. Hence, you must ensure that you value the property covered correctly to ensure that there is no under insurance. A Burglary Insurance Policy can generally be extended to cover Riot, Strike, Malicious Damage and Theft.


    What is not covered in a Burglary Insurance Policy

    Generally, the Policy will not pay for loss/damage to goods held in trust/commission unless specifically covered, jewellery, curios, title deeds, business books unless specifically insured; any amount that is recoverable under Fire/Plate glass insurance policy; loss from a safe using a key or duplicate key, unless it is obtained by violence or threat; Due to shop lifting, acts involving you/your family members/ your employees; due to War perils, Riot & Strike (covered by payment of additional premium), Acts of God, Nuclear perils.


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