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Commercial Insurance


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    Commercial Insurance


    MRIBS render professional advice to our customers regarding choice of suitable insurance products with competitive rates as available from insurance companies. We bring together a team of highly qualified and experienced insurance professionals who can advise customers irrespective of the nature and size of business operations.

    We assist our clients to protect their business from unexpected financial loss arising out of perils, through a wide range of products as listed given below

    • Group Medi-Claim (GMC) policy for your staff members and families.
    • Group Personal Accident Policy ( GPA ).
    • Electronic equipment policy.
    • Motor Policies for your vehicles.
    • Directors and Officers Liability Policy.
    • Money Insurance Policy.
    • Public Liability Insurance.
    • Employer-employee / Key-man Policy.
    • Travel Policy.
    • Workmen’s Compensation Policy.
    • ankers Indemnity policy
    • Burglary policy
    • Contractors all risk policy(CAR)
    • Machinery Breakdown policy
    • Special Contingency policy
    • Professional Indemnity policy
    • Office Umbrella Policy
    • House holders and Shop keeper’s policy
    • Neon sign Insurance
    • Fidelity guarantee policy
    • Lift (third party) Insurance
    • Carriers Liability policy
    • Marine cargo policy
    • Marine Hull Policy
    • Aviation Insurance
    • Students safety Insurance
    • Rural Insurance
    • Products Liability Policy
    • Plate Glass Insurance
    • Contractor Plant & Machinery policy
    • Mega package policies

    Types of Commercial Insurance

    Project Insurance

    This is a comprehensive policy covering all

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    Employee Infidelity

    This policy broadly covers pecuniary loss sustained

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    Money Insurance

    Money insurance is for all businesses –

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    Media and Television Insurance

    We know the risks to look out

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    Sports Insurance

    Sports are great for teaching teamwork and

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    Cyber Insurance

    Cyber insurance generally covers your business’ liability

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    These policies are to covers businesses against

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    Engineering Insurance

    Industrialization has led to mass usage of

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    Marine Cargo Insurance covers transits by Water,

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    A Burglary Insurance policy may be offered

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    The fire insurance policy offers protection against

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